It’s been forthcoming for a long time… No, not this blog post! Well yes, I guess that too…
No, what I mean is the day I look at my Facebook profile and ask myself “What am I still doing here?”
Yesterday after work I sat mostly with my phone scrolling up and down their stupid timeline whilst watching crap TV. It then gets late in the evening, I pull my laptop out to do something constructive finally (like posting to my trance music blog) and after a while of some more screwing about on Facebook the long awaited option of ‘Promote This Post’ for personal profiles pops up…
Why the outburst on here today about this new feature? I think Facebook is losing the plot. Simple as that.
In a desperate measure to get some money in their pockets after their share prices plummeted it seems they are rolling out promoted to posts to personal profiles for some easy cash. After all the hassle of saying you can’t act as a business on a personal profile account they are expecting Joe Public to stump up cash to promote posts of their dogs and cats, or in this case, a post I shared from a Fanpage of all things. I like sharing, but paying for another businesses status update? You gotta be kidding me!
I do wonder if I’ll start seeing sponsored updates cropping up with friend’s names on them in the future. No doubt I will due to some people being DJs and event promoters, that I understand, but normal day to day people? I’ll be sure to name and shame the lamest update here and to close my Facebook account at the same time.
What do you think of this new feature? Will you be looking to make use of it?
Photo credit: bizbuzzmedia